Thursday, November 4, 2010

Car Covers and Winter Weather

Well here we go again, it won't be long before the snow will be falling and the cold and wet winter will be here for the next several months. There is one thing that I really hate is to have to scrape my vehicle windows in the morning before I go to work. There is a way around doing that and that is to have a vehicle cover. When you have a cover on your car, truck, SUV or other vehicle you won't have to spend that time scraping or brushing the snow and ice from your windows. That alone will give you another 15 to 30 minutes to enjoy the warm comfort of your house or apartment, and to have another cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate before heading off to work.

It is also that time of year to winterize your RV's before the temperatures get below freezing. Make sure you drain you water storage tanks and get antifreeze pumped through all of your supply lines. The other day a friend told me about a mistake he made when winterizing his RV this year. He did all the things you should do and thought he was ready to cover his RV for the season. Turned off the appliances and shut down the propane tanks so everything was off. After putting his RV cover on he checked it the next week to make sure all was OK. As he walked around his RV he noticed a hole in the cover and it looked like a burn hole. It took him some time to think how that could have happened when everything was turned off. Well the one thing he forgot was the two way switch on his hot water tank, even though the propane was off the electric was still on and the heating element came on in the hot water tank and got hot enough to burn the cover. So he asked me to bring this to peoples attention so maybe they wouldn't make the same mistake.

So one thing you can be sure of is that winter is close by and now is the time to get ready for the cold wet days ahead. So get your RV's ready and think about that cover for your vehicles before you have to scrape those windows this year.

Well that's it for this week if you have any questions about vehicle covers please visit our web site at

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