Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why Motorcycle Covers Are A Good Idea!

There's one thing that I see all the time, and that's motorcycles without covers. I was a bike rider when I was younger and I also didn't cover my motorcycle. And If I knew what I have learned through the years I would have covered my bike. Because that motorcycle of mine today would have looked like it was still brand new.

If I would have covered my motorcycle the finish and chrome also the rubber parts would have kept there new appearance for a longer time. There are many types of motorcycle covers available today on the Internet, from the economy to the top of the line covers. For example, there are covers for your bike if you just park in your garage on under a carport, and there are waterproof covers for when your bike is outdoors in the environment. You can also purchase covers that are light weight so you can keep them in your motorcycle bags, that way, were ever you are you can throw the cover on and off with little work.

There are several reasons for having a cover on your bike, you will spend less time wiping down the bike before each ride, your chrome will stay bright and you will not have to polish it as much. Also, if your bike is outside in the environment the tires will last longer because the sun hasn't had the opportunity to dry rot them and the seat and all the rubber parts will last longer and look newer.

I can't think of any bad things about having a cover for your bike except maybe having to take the time to use it. If use a motorcycle cover it will payoff in the long run by giving you a newer looking motorcycle. Some covers have tie down rings that you use bungee cords with and some covers have tie down straps, I prefer the tie down straps because you can fit the cover better to your motorcycle and in windy conditions they work better.

So in closing I suggest getting a motorcycle cover for bike today and keep that brand new look for a long time. If you would like more information on motorcycle covers and accessories please visit

1 comment:

alexander said...

I have speciall cover for my motorcycle.